
Articles submitted for publication must contain the results of scientific research in the field of agricultural biotechnology, agronomy, animal science, veterinary medicine and digital agriculture. Articles are selected based on the criteria of relevance and novelty of the scientific problems under consideration. The journal has the following main headings:

Agricultural Biology
Animal science and veterinary medicine
Digital Agriculture
It is supposed to check the material provided by the authors in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The recommended length of the article, including appendices, should be at least 10 and no more than 14 pages. Articles should be designed on A4 sheets, font – Times New Roman, size – 14 pt, line spacing – 1.0. Margins (normal) top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 2.5 cm right – 1.5 cm, paragraph (indentation) – 0.5 cm (do not specify spaces), format – bookstore.

If the article has been or will be sent to another publication, then it cannot be accepted for consideration in the journal

The design of the article

  1. The UDC of the article is printed in the upper left corner without a paragraph (check the correctness of the selected UDC on the website of the All–Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information – VINiTI).
  2. Below, in the center of the line, the title of the article (the title of the article should reflect the main idea of the completed research, be as brief as possible) in bold capital letters.
  3. Then in bold lowercase letters – the surname and initials of the author(s). One line is skipped. The number of authors is not more than 5. The list of authors contains only valid authors and does not include those who are not related to this work, as well as the fact that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the article and agreed to its publication.
  4. After that, through a space, the abstract of the article (recommended volume – 200-250 words) reflects the subject of the article, value, novelty, main provisions and conclusions of the research. It is forbidden to divide the abstract into paragraphs, use introductory words and phrases. The abstract can be published independently and, therefore, should be understandable without referring to the text of the article. According to the abstract of the publication, the reader should be able to determine whether it is worth referring to the full text of the article for more detailed information of interest to him. The abstract should not contain unencrypted abbreviations and/or terms that were not previously presented.
  5. From the new paragraph – keywords (no more than 9 words).

On the left, “Keywords:” is printed in lowercase letters (without quotes) and keywords or phrases are separated by commas. One line is skipped.

  1. From the new paragraph – “For citation”. The output data for the article is recorded.
  2. When writing a scientific article, it is necessary to adhere to the following structure of presentation: “Introduction”, “Purpose of research”, “Conditions, materials and methods”, “Results and discussion”, “Conclusions”.
  3. If your article was prepared with support and there is a need to register this source, add the section “Thanks” after the conclusions. For example, Information about the source of funding: The work was carried out according to the state task of R&D No. 0477-2019-0005 with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Information about a conflict of interest. The article should include any actual or potential conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, then it should be written that “the author declares that there is no conflict of interest.”

In the “Introduction” section, a statement of the problem is proposed, the purpose of the work should be formulated and justified and, if necessary, its connection with important scientific and practical directions is considered, and a theoretical justification for the study is given. There should be links to publications of recent years in this field, including foreign authors.

Next, it is necessary to clearly formulate the purpose of the research (why are the results of the research conducted in the article?) without using such vague formulations as “to study”, “to determine”, etc., which will be disclosed in the subsequent text.

The following section reveals the features of this study, provides conditions, materials and research methods. The place of research is being clarified to the region (edge). The time, place, methodology and conditions of the experiments should be reflected.

The main section of the article is devoted to the presentation, analysis and discussion of the results. The results obtained should be highlighted in terms of their scientific novelty and compared with the relevant known data.

In conclusion, conclusions and recommendations are presented.

Subheadings and headings are typed in bold with a capital letter. The numbering of references to the bibliographic list in the text is arranged in the order in which the sources are mentioned. References to literature in the text are given in square brackets, for example: [1].

  1. After the main text of the article, one line is skipped and the title “Literature” is printed in the center (without quotes). A numbered list of sources is placed one line apart in the order of references in the text.

The list of references (at least 18 sources and no more than 30) is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5–2008 and the requirements of the journal, carefully checked by the authors and given at the end of the article. The numbering of links in the list is given in accordance with the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Only one source of information should be indicated in one item of the list. Abuse of self-citation is not allowed. The share of references to the authors’ own publications should not exceed 25% of the list of references. The citation of the works of any one author who is not part of the author’s team of the manuscript should also not exceed 30%. It is recommended to refer to no more than 2 publications of each of the authors. The share of references to sources older than 10 years should not exceed 30% of the list of references. The share of references to publications in journals from the core of the RSCI over the past 8 years should be at least 30% of the list of references. References to conference materials older than 3 years should not exceed 20% of the list of references. References to textbooks, study guides, and dissertation abstracts are not accepted. The number of sources in the “serial” links should be no more than three.

All sources must have a link in the text of the article.

It is necessary to formalize the link to the source correctly. You should specify the names of the authors, the journal, the year of publication, volume (issue), number, pages, DOI or Internet access address (full URL) and the date of access. The interested reader should be able to find the specified literary source as soon as possible.

Most of the cited sources should be accessible via the Internet, either in full texts or their metadata. If the source does not have a DOI (then you can use EDN – eLibrary Document Number), but its full text is available via the Internet, it is important to specify the address of the access page —URL: https://…. (in this case, the access date).

It is unacceptable to use transliteration of the output information accompanying the description in the output data of the cited sources (Vol. (not Tom), pages –p., pp. (not –s.,ss.), Publishing house – Publ., etc., Moscow – Moscow, etc.).

All lists of cited literature in the journal are translated/transliterated into English.

General principles:

– For all sources, the number of authors indicated is limited to three.

– For transliteration of Russian-language elements, it is necessary to use the BSI system. (on )

– For books, it is necessary to indicate the transliteration of the title and the translation of the title in square brackets.

– For articles from journals, you do not need to specify the transliteration of the article title, only the translation in square brackets.

Examples of link design at the end of the document.

  1. “Information about the authors” Full name, academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID, from a new line, full name of the organization. An asterisk marks the surname of the author with whom you need to correspond.

One line is skipped.

  1. In English, the title of the article is printed in the center.

The abstract is also printed in English on the left, followed by keywords.

  1. “Authors:” – information in English.

The illustrations for the article (if available) in JPEG, PNG, TIF format must be clearly executed, of good quality, and clearly illustrating the text. The text of the article must contain links to the presented drawings. The figures are numbered in the order of references in the text. The numbering heading is typed in the center alignment. The thematic heading in the same line, immediately after the numbering (for example: Fig. 1 –. The reference to the figure in the main text is made in parentheses: (Fig. 1), if there is only one figure in the text, then it is not numbered.

Tables are presented in the WORD editor. The tables are numbered in the order of references in the text. The text of the article must contain links to all the tables presented. The numbering heading is typed with center alignment (for example: Table 1. …). The reference to the table in the main text is made in parentheses, for example: (Table. 1), if there is only one table in the text, it is not numbered.

Simple formulas that do not contain special characters (missing on the keyboard) must be typed using characters from the keyboard without using special editors. Formulas containing special characters (missing on the keyboard), as well as complex and multiline formulas must be typed in their entirety in the Microsoft Equation 2.0, 3.0 or Math Typeequation formula editor. It is not allowed to set parts of a formula in symbols, and parts in the formula editor. It is not recommended to insert formulas in the text in the form of drawings. The reference to the formulas in the main text is made in parentheses, for example: (1). The text must contain references to all the formulas presented. If formulas are numbered in the text of the article, then this numbering should be performed by manually typing numbers. Automatic numbering is not allowed.

The authors submit to the editorial office (at the same time):

– electronic version of the article (by e-mail: The file with the article should be named by the surname of the first author (Ivanov I.I. – Definition of force);

– graduate students provide a certificate confirming their place of study.

Articles received and accepted for publication are not returned.

Subject to the fulfillment of formal requirements for materials for publication, the manuscript of the article submitted by the author is reviewed according to the established procedure for reviewing manuscripts submitted to the editorial office of the journal. The decision on the expediency of publication after reviewing is made by the editor–in-chief (deputy editors-in-chief), and, if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole.

The editorial board reserves the right not to register articles that do not meet these requirements, as well as the right to reproduce materials (publication, replication) no limited edition. The manuscripts of the articles are subject to editorial processing. The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes that do not affect the content of the article. All articles are reviewed by the institute of peer review, according to the results of which the editorial board makes a final decision on the expediency of publication. The authors are legally and otherwise responsible for the content of the articles. In case of rejection of the article, the editorial board sends the author a reasoned refusal.

ChatGPT (artificial intelligence) chatbots cannot be used in writing an article – in particular, “Text generated using a large–scale language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT is prohibited if the created text is not presented as part of the experimental analysis of the article.” And also artificial intelligence (GPT) should not be included in the co-authors of the article.

– Editing and revision of the manuscript (in collaboration with the authors) – 2,000 rubles.

– One page of the article in the journal – 750 rubles (the final number of pages will be determined after the layout and the printed version is available).

– Translator/proofreading services – 500 rubles.

For more detailed information on payment options, please contact the magazine’s editorial team via email.

Articles must be sent to the email address:

Articles submitted by the author(s) with violations of any publication requirements or with an incomplete set of documents will not be registered and published in the journal “Agrobiotechnology and Digital Agriculture”.